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Author: Dr. Ashish Kumar Nigam

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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451

1. Sports Officer, Dean, Student Welfare, J.N.K.V.V.Jabalpur (M.P.) Mobile- 9826348748,


The purpose of the study was to compare and investigate the upper body strength and endurance of boys and girls school children of West Bengal five hundred sixty one and eleven boys and girls (Two hundred sixty one boys and Two hundred fifty  girls) children ranging ages between 13 to seventeen years studying in middle schools, high schools and higher secondary schools of West Bengal were randomly selected for the present investigation. To find out the significance of difference among the means on push-ups component of health fitness in different age groups, The mean, SD, and F-ratio were computed. The results of the study concluded that the upper body strength and endurance improved among boys and girls with advancement of age. But the differences were found between boys and girls children of thirteen to seventeen years of age in their upper body strength and endurance, The boys were better than girls in their upper body strength and endurance in all age groups.

Key words: School, Boys, Girls,  Children, Push-ups, strength, Endurance, Age groups.


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