

On behalf of Editor-in-Chief -Dr. R. K.  Sharma, we are pleased to announce that Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Applied Sciences (IJPESAS) is peer reviewed, open access online and print research journal.

Journal aimed at publishing recent advances in the form of Scientific & Innovative Research and Review articles in thrust areas of Sport medicine, Sport Bio-mechanics, Biology of sport, Sport coaching & performance, Exercise physiology, Sport nutrition, Sport Biochemistry, Sport Biomechanics, Sports psychology, Sport History, Philosophical and sports sociology Sport Management, Sport Pedagogy, Adapted Physical Activity, Sport Anthropometry, Sport History, Sports Law, Sport Journalism, Applied Sciences, Human Kinesiology, and Sport and Exercise Physiology, Sport and Exercise   Sciences, Sport Administration, Yoga Education,  Social Sciences and Multidisciplinary Subjects. Articles must be of high academic/clinical rigours and may be in the form of original article, review, perspectives, case reports, and letter to the editor or essays.

IJPESAS is seeking qualified candidates who are willing to serve, if elected, in the position of IJPESAS Editorial Board Member. According to the charter of SS publication House , the Member term for IJPESAS is for 3 years, with the possibility of reappointment to one additional term.Journal Web Link:http://sportscientistsviews.com/