SS publication house features high-quality Sports Sciences as well as multidisciplinary academic articles in IJPESAS set up on an easy-to-read open access platform. IJPESAS Journal is peer-reviewed by scholars from all over the world, ensuring the highest standards of academic ethics and quality. We also provide PDF versions of all pieces, available directly from their webpages.
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(B) Rest of World: USD 60.
On behalf of Editor-in-Chief -Dr. R. K. Sharma, we are pleased to announce that Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Applied Sciences (IJPESAS) is peer reviewed, open access online and print research journal. We encourage you to become part of our rapidly expanding online community. Author may also submit their manuscript through the Editorial’s Portal.
SS publication house is publisher of peer-reviewed, open access academic journal. We aim to provide researchers, professors and students with up-to-date research in a broad range of areas, and to facilitate the global exchange and review of research, ideas and expertise among individuals in the scientific community. Printing/Publishing Partner: S. S. Publication House, Bilaspur (CG) India