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Author: Suja. S 1 & P. Mahendiran 2

doi no.: 05-2016-44975451,

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  1. Ph.D. Research Scholar,Centre for Yoga Studies, Dept of Physical Education, Annamalai University. Email id:
  2. Assistant Professor, Dept of Physical Education, Annamalai University. Email id:

Pranayama on body mass index and anxiety of children with Alexithymia. Materials and Methods: 42 girl children with alexithymia disorder, aged from 8 to 12 were selected as subjects from the girls’ hostel at Krishna district during the year 2021.  The subjects were divided into experimental group and control group, consisting twenty one subjects in each group, namely experimental group and control group. The experimental group underwent Suryanamaskar, Yoga Nidra, and Pranayama practices for 5 days per week for 9 weeks. The control group was not given any training during the study. The selected subjects with alexithymia were analyzed using Children Alexithymia Measuring Scale (CAMS).  Before and after the training period, the subjects were tested on body mass index (BMI) and anxiety. BMI was measured by using Karadascan Body Composition Monitor and anxiety was measured by using GAD7 measuring scale. Statistical analysis: Independent sample t-test and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used as a statistical tool to examine any improvement after the training period for the experimental group and also to find out any difference between the experimental and control groups.Results: The result of the study shows that there is a decrease found in BMI and anxiety variables of children with alexithymia by practicing Suryanamaskar, Yoga Nidra, and pranayama. Conclusion: The experimental group practice of Suryanamaskar, Yoga Nidra, and pranayama has changed the BMI and anxiety positively after comparing with the control group and the results also indicated that there was a significant difference identified between the experimental group and control group on BMI and anxiety.

Keywords: Suryanamaskar, Yoga, Pranayama, BMI, Anxiety and Alexithymia.


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