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Author: Dr. Ashish Kumar Nigam1 & Dr. Rajkumar Sharma2

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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451


  1. Sports Officer, Dean, Student Welfare, J.N. K. V. V. Jabalpur (M.P.) Mobile-9826348748,  Email—
  2. Former Gymnastics Chief Coach , SAI, Ministry of Sports and youth welfare, Govt. of India  New Delhi, Mob. 9229144090

The aim of the present investigation was to establish  the relationship  between test anxiety and  academic performance of male and female sportspersons. One hundred  and Ten (Males=55, Females=55) sportspersons  studying in 11th grade in different secondary schools of Bilaspur region were   randomly selected to serve as the subjects for this study. The Test .Anxiety  Inventory (TAI)  (Spielberger  et  al., 1980),  a tool that measures individual differences  in test anxiety,  was used to measure Test anxiety. Academic achievement  was based upon the previous achievement of each  level male and female sportspersons  in the form of total marks obtained in five subjects and its percentage at 10th  level examination. The results of the study concluded that Male and female sportspersons had significant differences test anxiety psychological variable. Male and female sportspersons did not differ  in yjewir psychological variables i.e. intelligence and study habit.  Female sportspersons had high test anxiety, study habit and intelligence than male respondents.

Keywords: Sportsperson, Anxiety, Intelligence, Study habit, male and female, Schools.


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