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Author: Dr. Dattatray Nivrutti Shimpi1 |
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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451; https://doi-ds.org/doilink/04.2024-45127187/IJPESAS/V13/NO.2/APRIL-2023/A1
1. Director of Physical education and Sports, KKHA Arts, SMGL Commerce & SPHJ Science College Chandwad. Dist Nashik ( Maharashtra) dn.shimpi@gmail.com
The goal of the current study was to compare and examine the personality traits of male and female national level Kabaddi players. The sample included 100 National Level Kabaddi players (60 Males and 40 Females) from various Indian States who competed in National Level Competitions in the 2020–2021 academic year. Male and female national level Kabaddi players’ mean ages and standard deviations were 20.13 2.57 and 19.86 1.69, respectively. Eysenck and created the Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire-R (E.P.Q.-R).To assess the four personality traits of national-level Kabaddi players, Eysenck was chosen. Means and standard deviations, t-ratios, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the dependent variable for all the participants considered together and individually for both the gender were computed to analyse the four personality traits of male and female Kabaddi players. The study’s findings showed that, overall, participants at the national level of Kabaddi shared similarities in psychoticism, neuroticism, and social desirability personality traits but differences in extraversion. Male Kabaddi players had higher levels of extraversion, social desirability, and psychoticism than their female counterparts. Kabaddi trainers are advised to adjust their training regimen in accordance with the players’ personalities.
Key words: National, Senior, Kabaddi, personality, Male, Female.
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