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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451
1 Senior Lecturer, Department of Educational Communication and Technology, Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya Tel +254 738404505 P.O BOX 43844-00100
Since education is a vehicle for economic and social change, it is imperative that a country’s education curriculum is constantly reviewed to keep it abreast with the globalization of labour market and demand for acquisition of the twenty first century skills. Many countries globally, have shifted from content based curricula to competency based teaching learning approaches. The implementation of competency based teaching-learning approaches can be traced to teacher education in the United States of America in the 1970s. Since then, competency based learning approaches have been developed and implemented in a range of professional areas and learning institutions in various countries. UNESCO (2015) views Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) as a vehicle through which a country can empower its citizens with skills, knowledge and values that will help them fit in the global village which is characterized by advancing technology. Further, IBE-UNESCO (2017) highlighted that CBC enables learners to perform practically and measurably, using the skills acquired through learner centered pedagogy. Curriculum is the means through which a nation endows its people with essential skills, knowledge, values and attitudes that enable them to be fortified for individual and national progression. Curriculum, thus, must fulfill the desires of the intended citizens and the country as envisaged. The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) embraced a Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in the quest for reforms informed by the findings of needs assessment report sanctioned in the year 2016. The three decades’implementation of the 8-4-4 education structure has faced many challenges leading to failure to realize its noble philosophy of “education for self-reliance”. As the third major reform in Kenya’s education, the implementation of the CBC in Kenya, is an effort to adopt an international fit reform and is a viable decision to ensure its citizens’ move to the attainment of global competence. Unlike the 8-4-4 system that was touted as theoretical and exam oriented, the CBC is concerned more with competencies and learners skills. In fact it identifies and sets out Arts and Sports Science as one of the three career pathways at the Senior Secondary School level. The school is positioned to identify and nurture talents as the first academy of the stars, since it can discovers the talents of the athletes at an early age. Through the healthy and sound school atmosphere, every young person can practice his/her physical hobbies. Therefore, The sports activities at school can then become a fundamental component in the formation of an integrated personality of the individual. In addition, they can modify the faulty behaviors of the students to reach the highest levels, as it is the basic structure for the sports movement. However, judging from how Physical Education has been taught and implemented under the 8-4-4 curriculum where it is compulsory albeit non-examinable, critics are skeptical about the success of the Sports Science as a career pathway at Senior Secondary School Level. As a complex system of education, the CBC has flourished in the vocational and training levels as opposed to basic education. However, it is believed that it can also flourish and the basic education level and serve the needs of the learners as well as the needs of the country to become a middle level economy by 2030.
Key word: Physical Education, Curriculum, Colonization , African, Acivities.
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