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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
1. Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya Jabalpur, (M.P)
2. Professor, Department of Physical Education Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya Jabalpur, (M.P)
The purpose of the study was to compare Mental Toughness of Male and Female (Medalist and Non-Medalist)Judokas. Sixty six Male Judokas (33 medalist, 33 non- medalist) and Forty four Female Judokas (21 medalist, 21 non-medalist) was selected randomly during the Senior National Judo Championship held at Vishakhapatnam (A.P) in 2019 and All India Inter University Judo Tournament held at Punjab University Chandigarh in 2018 and Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar in 2018. The age of the subjects were ranged from 16 to 37 years. Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire(Sheard et al. 2009) was used as an instrument for measuring the Mental Toughness of Judokas. The statistical technique applied in order to examine the hypothesis (There is no significant difference between male medalist and non-medalist judoka and no significance difference between female medalist and female non-medalist judoka) of the study was Descriptive statistics such as Mean and Standard Deviation and t ratio measured to analyzed the dataand level of significance was set at 0.05. The results indicated insignificant difference between male medalist and non-medalist judoka on confidence, control sub factor of mental toughness. Where as in case of constancy another sub factor the difference was significant. The female medalist and non-medalist judokas did not differ significantly on any of the sub factors of mental toughness.
Keywords: Mental Toughness, Medalist, Non-Medalist, Judokas.
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