Author: Ms Freyana Shinde1 and Dr Rekha Wagani2
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
1. PhD Scholar (Psychology), Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences, Amity University Maharashtra. Email:
2. Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences, Amity University Maharashtra. Email:
In India, the suicide rates among the youth have been growing rapidly. There has also been a significant rise during the Covid-19 pandemic when individuals were isolated, socially distant and felt uncertain about the future. This study aims to explore the role of spirituality on suicide prevention among young adults in India. The recruitment of 50 young adults (18- 25 years) using counselling centres in universities and social media was done. The individuals eligible were then invited for an in-depth interview based on a semi-structured guide with open-ended questions. A phenomenological approach was used to derive the themes and emerging constructs related to suicidal ideation, understanding spirituality and its techniques as well as the effects it has on an individual. Our results show that spirituality does act a buffer against suicidal ideations and helps in improving an individual’s well-being. This paper is a humble attempt by the authors to get a deeper understanding of spirituality and its techniques implemented by them to deal with stressful situations and negative thoughts. The implications mention that interventions implementing spirituality or some aspect of it can help people tackle negative thoughts.
Keywords: spirituality, well-being, suicidal thoughts, college students.
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